There was one heck of a party this past weekend.
Almost 120 people were on the registration lists (although is was just over a hundred that came... I think), and we had the resort building to ourselves. That meant the rooms upstairs were for those that paid in advance for them (not I, that would have been way too much), and downstairs there were two full meeting halls dedicated to kink pleasure, food, and vending. This was going to be the biggest bash in the state... =)
Negotiations were set - all that was let was for me to get my happy behind up there.
The biggest issue was working in picking up a few surprises I had planned for various friends and playmates, picking up raffle prizes, and getting vanilla work out of the way enough to not feel terrible if I had to crash the next day. By the time I had made it in, the food was already at full spread, the DM meeting already over (a-whoops - Yea, I had a later shift), and I was left parking at the end of a driveway to lug my crap and all the crap I had brought for everyone else up to the main event. Thank Heavens for Master E, who noticed my very recognizable car and wandered down to relieve me of some of the burden. He was especially enthused by the sword I had brought in - which I really can't blame him.
By the time I had gotten everything in, I had given hellos and hugs to just about everyone there but a few key people. One Dom was already hooking up the suspension rig, several people were strewn about the place, and I had gotten cornered for not having a sheathe for the friggin' sword. Grawr, that was mighty inconvenient, but by keeping it in the bag, that was no big deal. I went off to find myself some of the awesome Cajun cookin' and deliver my first of the night's surprises. =)
First was a niobium bracelet to Ana - it was her birthday bash that last week and I had forgotten it at home.
Next was... a more interesting proposal. You see, the sub that was having so much fun with me at the birthday bash - we had made arrangements and negotiations for a repeat of the scene with a few more edgier ( for me) modifications. In order for me to be able to fulfill my part of the bargain, I knew that I would have to be worked up in advance. I'm an exhibitionist and a self-sadist... and a mischievous bastard. She had said, as a part of he negotiations, that she wanted to take control of me and my pleasure. I didn't know if I'd be able to handle the whole proposition, but I had played pass the remote before... so I jumped in the deep end this time too. After a hug and a grin from her, I mentioned I had a surprise for her.
*questioning look and grin* "It's not an orgasm is it"
*wince* "Not quite. You wanted to be in control, right?"
".......? What's that to?"
"Let's just say it's currently a remote to me."
I handed her the wireless remote to an insert-able vibrator. Now, before we get all squick!-ish, no, it wasn't going to give her that orgasm that she was looking for. I might have a thing for exhibition, but with all of the social anxiety, I'm more likely get struck by lightning than to hand over a controller like that at a party so huge. Instead, this little beau would remind me that there is someone there with the control - and that those vibrations would remind me that someone's thinking of using me. Insta-horny!
Unfortunately, she didn't figure out how to use it until halfway through dinner - which she had left it on and I couldn't focus very well on food. The couple across from me was starting to wonder why I was spending so much concentration on 'saying grace' as they put it later. XD
Finally we worked out our issues (so to speak), I got to eat, and then change into my costume for the evening.
This would be where I acquire a stalker. Lucky me? Actually, it was lucky for me - she got to learn how to lace up a corset and I didn't have to do it myself.
After a bit of teasing, a touch of torture and torment, and my remote operator deciding to wander on over and put me through my paces (and a kiss), I finally ended up fully in-costume and ready to go!
To puppy education. My family has St. Bernards, and I helped train them basic commands. Human puppies are quite a bit more feisty, although sometimes you get a good puppy that only wants to please master. We had two pups this training round, both of opposite personalities. Even with pup treats (peanut butter cookies in dog bone shape), it took our male pup a bit to get his bearings and quit acting up. For me as a 'trainer' and 'instructor', it was enlightening. I'm not really a top, although I can, have done it, and enjoy it in some cases (Mmmmmm knife top). For pup training, I think I need more confidence and some more experience with pups playing before I offer obedience training again.
Next scene of mine was my FAVORITE of the night. A master around here does amazing needle work and I've been trying to get pierced again since my first encounter in July (
someone else's account of it... XD) and this master does artistic needle play. I HAD to jump all over that - so I did. I've always wanted wings.
27 18 ga needles later, I had wings.
I remember the first few needles she set being uncomfortable, to the point of "OMG, I don't know if I can handle all of them!" After those, I started to wander off into needle-space and life was fan-flippin'-tastic. =) I remember hearing the people around me talking, I remember Bri and her Master getting up to scene from watching me get poked, and I remember the sub with my remote being the good DM and checking up on me even though she was really squicked. After what seemed like not that much time to me (although what probably was quite a while), I even remember her and her Dom hopping on a cross and having one hell of a flogging scene. Me? I was flying.

After the main wings were set, she asked if there was anything else in her kit I would like to adorn myself with. I was so far gone, I would have said 'sure' to having more needles. She placed a really pretty butterfly on my chest in 22 ga... so I ended up wandering around for a few hours with 28 needles. I'm proud to have stretched myself that far, and I am eager to try more and more challenging designs in the future.
Once the wings were set and I got my bearings, I got jumped by a friend who had suddenly acquired my remote from the control operator. Lucky me? I think I jumped about a foot when it turned on without the original sub around and I know someone got glared at. =P
First on the agenda once I wasn't wobbly from the needles combined with the remote was a 'topless walkaround' with a young switch who is very attractive but uncomfy with her body (hence the walkaround - natural walking tour of the space to ease her into being comfy). Then I ganged up on another friend that was experiencing needle play for the first time (chest pokage!) with her master to show her the ropes of what feels REALLY good. Her master's a sweetheart that means well, but he kind of forgot that I had needles in my back and grabbed my shoulder. *whimper* Play with her broke up about then while I went to check on the wings and make sure I didn't tear anything.
Then those amazing friends of mine? Bri, her master, and a few others? Sat me down backwards in a chair and performed an 'experiment' with ice and the feathers. I admit, that experiment had excellent results that would probably be repeatable. *LOL*
It wasn't long after that I had to get the needles removed - the Whee! was turning into Oww! Taking them out is just as spacey as putting them in. =) Apparently the master had hit a vein on the way in that was plugged until we released the pressure because one of them started to REALLY bleed. The remote control operator? I felt sooo sorry for that gal when I had to warn her that there was blood all down my back. The look on her face once she realized I was talking about me when I warned her mid-hug. =/
Unfortunately, I had to turn down a few offers of play after that because of the wounds - like a knifeplay scene and electrical play. The scene I was anticipating with the couple didn't happen either because of how heavy their flogging scene went and how tired the two of them were afterward. Honestly, it was better that they admit defeat and go to bed than string me along and then only half-ass it. I'm going to try to make that scene the best I can do for them dammit... and I'm hoping that they're thinking the same thing.
Perhaps a rain-check for this weekend. Muhahahahahahaha!