Week luck, part dux

To continue the fun events of the week:

Payday! I've been working my behind off in an attempt to afford rent and move next to campus instead of overpaying rent and gas to live in Elsewhere. After a 53 hour work week [holy-overtime, batman!], I get a nice paycheck.... where taxes down here are steeper than up north. My overtime pays exactly for the taxes taken out. Huzzah.

Because of missing work on Thursday, I take a shift for a higher up so he can move into his new place. Closing isn't too horrible, although we get slammed and get out later than usual. Not a big deal until I get home and start looking for my keys to get in to my apartment... and can't find them at all. I work in a key-entry lab and guess where I had left my keys before leaving school to go to work.

No big deal, although slightly annoying. It just means that I'll have to pick my lock at close to one in the morning so I can get some sleep because I have to open the store on Sunday morning. I grab my earring set and a knife and get to work; I realize rather quickly that I'm really out of practice and these tools are NOT going to work. Fourty five minutes later, I got the deadbolt, but the lower lock was stubborn and I believe my neighbor called the bluecoats on me thinking I was looking to rob my place. Barboursville's finest drove by for the second time and I said screw it - I picked the lock to the garage in three minutes. Slept on the floor in a sleeping bag in the garage for five hours before going to work.

Sucked because of the lack of sleep. I owe my lab-mate for being in town and grabbing my keys from the lab before bringing them to me before I got off. I gave her lunch (my mom had given me a load of Subway gift cards that I don't forsee using at any point soon), got off, and passed out quickly. Doc called about my thesis project, though, and it was very good to hear an old friend's voice. The moment I get two days off in a row, I need to work my way back up to work in the lab. I also have a lab-lacky/minion! =)

Huzzah for sleep! I was able to take a 9-5 shift easily. I did learn that most people working food are squeemish and people are... interesting. I was using the restroom at work when this lady begins tugging on the door. I wash my hands, get out, and get back to work. 45 minutes later, the lady walks out and I think nothing of it, while making a sammich. I turn around for the bread and get a whiff of foul.... Perhaps from the bathrooms. Again, it'll air out.

Nope. Two hours later that hallway still smells horrible and there's no way that it was just a passing thing. No one else was willing to go look, even though Libby has the restroom chore later that day. I get curious with 15 min left in shift and wander in... to crap everywhere. Looks like that lady crapped herself, spent 45 min cleaning herself up, and left smeared crap on the floor, toilet, sink, some spots in the hallway, and in the garbage. I'm the only one with the gonads and prior training to handle it without retching. It was quite entertaining to tell my co-workers some of the Veterinary skills that were common occurrence and our normal conversation starters. Meh. I got off a half an hour late due to the cleaning and Libby offered to pay me $50 for cleaning up the crap. I left amused.

I went back to the lab to work and get paperwork in for that silly house I'm trying to get (and the land-lord didn't receive the first time I sent it). I get a call from work because the new girl called off on close. So, because I need monah, I went back in to close.

I also had a chainmaille order to send that, upon searching my car, I had left my wallet at home. Eugh, overpriced rush order in the morning. I'm also not happy with the business we started for artisans - Michelle's got orders for chainmaille and she's getting into it. Not a big deal, but it's going to get interesting as orders come in as to who does the maille work. She's also whacking me (rightly so, but it still burns) to a customer that I've been having issues with her order and she's taking the commission from me. I'm re-picking up more maille patterns that Michelle won't be able to do for a while yet to be ahead, but it's going to be.... interesting. I'm thinking the adage of 'never do business with friends or family' might be GOOD advice. I can see this falling apart if I can't keep my mind away from the 'she's just learning this for money 'cause she sees the interest people show for my crap.' I know it's unfair. I know she's unemployed for no fault of her own and spends a LOT of time on the fledgling business - more than I can afford or will ever be able to properly thank her for. I know she's working her ass off. I'm just.... I always was proud of being able to do something that someone else couldn't and picking it up quickly.

Found out that the house we were all excited for was already rented out. Sonofa. Whelp, time to look more! Again, the new girl called off, and I got to work with a ticked off coworker who doesn't know the blessing of being willing to work. I got looked over for the overtime because I had worked over yesterday and the manager wanted to be fair. I can't blame him, although I CAN say he pulled a herp-a-derp move..... by not looking at the schedule. I offered, Libby didn't want it, and she had to work again this morning. I worked less hours that day than she did (she got in at 9, I got in at 11:15), and had today off. Not complaining about it, I just didn't like working with her after she finally relented and bitched the rest of the time.

A break in the luck! I have today off and my paycheck finally cleared. I'm doing laundry, cleaning the house, and going out to (cheap) dinner. =)

I also finished some new maille despite carpal tunnel acting up again. It sucks when pain and numbness takes you off of orders. Plech.

I did find out that I'll be working through the premier of the new season of my second favorite show. My favorite show just got canceled. I'm going to be boycotting Fox and watching So You Think You Can Dance on Facebook with a guy that uploads it instead of on the channel. Fox doesn't care about established fan-bases for anything but House or Glee... or their reality shows. Grrrr. RIP Lie to Me, except for re-runs. Perhaps they'll do one more episode where Lightman FINALLY gets Gillian? Just for our sakes?

Ok, enough whining. I swear I'll be better next post, with more up-beat-ness! O.o


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