And suddenly, there were stairs.

Hypno and his loverly wife host some of the best non-kink allowed parties for kinky people. I mean, seriously, where else are you gong to find a huge, dynamic, and diverse group of people piled on a couch watching V for Vendetta? Seriously? So, when a 'kinky game night' was posted, I was there. I mean, after a bit of driving and stopping for a huge-normous case of Mountain Dew, I was there.

There was the normal crowd, expanded by about fifteen bagillion. In my book, it was going to be a fantastically fun time! The main game in the living room started (Cranium), while E and Ana decided to challenge me to a game of pool. Me, I suck balls at pool - I can do all the physics easily in my head but getting the balls to actually GO there is another issue. I ended up thumped by Ana in probably the worst played game of pool in the century. Eh, no worries, there was fun all around. E had the winner and there was quite a group joining in for the conversation, so I was enjoying myself and learning new (and semi-new) faces when, all of the sudden, I notice Miss Sharky on the other side of the glass door. I make a face in that general direction - and the whole room was mooned. *snicker..... snicker..... SNORT!* Being the kinky bastard I am, double thumbs up and a shit eating grin was what she earned. The looks from everyone else were mighty entertaining.

Not much later, we started digging around for another game to play because pool was... well... getting meh. Someone mentioned a Scrabble game, so Silver brings out the board. Miss Sharky takes a place, Ana another, and another slave at the final. Me, I just sit back to watch. I'm terrible with vocabulary and spelling, although I love reading and books. Whelp, Sharky ends up called away for some reason or another... and I end up with her tiles. Which suck - she drew the X and the Z in the first draw! GAH! Then they all decide it's going to be a mix up game - we're playing Kinky Scrabble! Yup, you heard right! All words had to be kink related as voted by the rest of the players, except the incidental words that pop up when you connect two rows side by side (although they still had to be real words). Loverly - my vocabulary got to drop even further! O.o   Although I did not win by any stretch of the imagination (and don't mention the word 'quiver' around Ana - she'll rip your head off), it was a fun time and interesting to see what everyone else came up with. I ended up the game with no vowels and a bit of a headache. Eh, no big deal. So, Red and his new ladyfriend called me over to move my car, because they were in the process of getting ready to leave. Ok... run outside, move my car... then come back in for another game of something before heading home.

I put my huge ass-kicking boots on (although about halfway, and not zipped, but they're walkable) and start down the brick stairs to the driveway. It's chilly, wet, and those stairs are narrow.

Somehow, a few steps in, I trip over my boot. All I know is my weight went up and over my foot so it pointed under me and I went down in an ungraceful heap - one knee leading, the other somewhere not helpful (and honestly, I have no idea where), my torso still upright (yea, no cracking the head, which was a miracle all it's own) and the boot thrown somewhere else. I sat at the bottom of the stairs for a few seconds, remembering what that feeling was - aw shit, I just did something to the ankle on the not-good end 'cause it's hurting like my other one does when I roll it bad. Oh, well, time to go move my car then get it on ice... and take a look and a poke to see if I broke anything. I can get up and walk on it - but it's tough and I hobble a few steps before the pain goes away enough to stop whimpering. I move my car out of the drive and around  to the street. Instead of attempting to put on my boot again, which I bet probably won't fit by this time, I reach back for a croc that I know I have in the back. I reach down to put on the croc and it's a tight fit... yea, I did something. That's when I felt it - a huge hump on the top of my foot and it's getting bigger. The funny thing is, there's no real pain... it's like someone stuck a water balloon on the top of my foot and sewed me in. Ah, shit. Time to get inside. Hell, maybe someone will help drag me up the inside stairs.

I work my way across the lawn (and almost slip on my ass a few times, grawr) before making it to the stairs. I climb on all fours (three at that point) up the brick and reach up to the door to open and find Red and his lady there. Relief! People! I let them know that the car is moved, and they notice something's not right - like the fact I'm on my knees on the stairs. Somehow I mention I fell, they noticed my foot, and it was a rush to get me upstairs, stable, and get some medical help (in the form of Ana - huzzah nursing people!). Five minutes later, my foot was the size of a half a tennis ball stuck on top, but I couldn't feel a damn thing except when people touched my toes (which I could still move). They convinced me to go to the ER based on the color and size it was getting to... and thankfully Ana and E are close enough to where I live and agree to get me in.

After inventing hall jousting with both the beds and the wheelchair (not in practice, just mentally and mentioned it to the orderlies), a lot less time than normal in the ER, an X ray and crutches later, we found out that I'm pretty dammed lucky. Nope, I didn't break anything, I just tore up pretty much everything I landed on. Huzzah? Ana and E helped get me home in one piece (which was a challenge, I might add, when I almost face-planted on the crutches several times) and a few more kinksters got my car home. Might I mention, for a group of people that enjoy beating the shit out of each other, kinksters are also some of the most kind, caring people that only want the best for you at the end of the day? I love y'all. Seriously.

Foot, one day later.

 Foot, after four days and a LOT of compression

So, moral of the (really long and convoluted) story?  Don't descent the stairs in a manner not recommended for humans. You might end up the center of attention, but it'll be a bitch to move around a college campus on crutches. No matter what your foot believes, just say no! XD

Reflections of a Rope Dummy

Realization time again.

I was at a play party a few days ago, and I realized I really don't like rope. Not in the "I HATE IT! AHH!" Type of fashion... more like it just doesn't do a thing for me at the fetish/kink/sexual? level. Which is sad, because I know I could have fun if it were a challenge for me (read stress position), or if I could find some headspace other than 'how the hell are they doing that tie, 'cause I bet I could do this?!?' I mean, I have a blast with Crossbow and Spider because they tend to get to some other things when I'm immobilized that are VERY enjoyable. I thought Crossbow's corset tie on me was pretty and I with I could have seen myself in it (well - it would be pretty with a better body model, but let's NOT go there this time), but it was more enjoyable when Milli, Crossbow, and Spider attacked me with ice and other various implements. That's when I ended up spacing out in order to cope instead of saying or doing something I know I'd regret. Especially since Milli's taken. Although fucking hot. Although happily taken. Grawr. [Insert frustration with lack of person to 'share time' with here]

Then, while being tied up by another gent and helping him get the ties down... it hit me and I spoke the truth. I don't mind being a rope bunny. I enjoy being helpful while being tied... as a practice implement or a demo doll. That's fulfilling because it serves a purpose, but on my own? Rope (maybe I should classify it as ground ties) doesn't really do much for me, at a meh, shrug, level. It's what you do to me when I'm IN the rope that get me going. Which is really sad... because Crossbow really loves to tie me up.

Actually, thinking about it, I did love the suspension. I might have to beg at some point to get more experience with THAT form of rope. Hm.

Also, someone beat me (yes, read that in any way you will) if I don't get the balls to ask for a play session sometime soon with Miss Sharky. 'cause that woman can swing a whip and is good with 'newbs'. I've seen her play. Just sayin'.


I swear I'll put up some more fun from the weeks I've been away later, but for now to show I'm still alive... 100 questions! [Also, mentalspace is currently mental. Leave a message after the tone]

Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
Machine Run -
Mystique - Blue Stahli
Once in a Lifetime - Wolfsheim
Beautiful Freak - Faderhead
Invisible & Silent - Covenant
Get Your Body Beat - Combichrist

2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?

Living today? Queen Elizabeth
Ever on this earth, even if they're dead now? Rosalind Franklin

3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.

"'I...' she stammered, looking frightened and small in her gorgeous outfit."

4) What do you think about most?

   What I'm actually doing with (and to) myself.

5) What does your latest text message from someone else say?

   ~ I'll have to update this once I find my freakin' phone...

6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on?

   With, unless I'm in the house alone. I prefer without, though

7) What's your strangest talent?

Really weird flexibility in odd places and none in others. I can't do the splits and my arms are no longer uber flexi - neither is my back as flexible as it used to be... but! I can still go into a front lunge and touch my head to the ground due to my hip flexion.

8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence)

Girls rule; boys drool. *snerk*

9) Ever had a poem or song written about you?

Not unless you count the poems that I write about my experiences and/or point of view

10) When is the last time you played the air guitar?

The Christmas party before we left on break. There was some Breaking Benjamin on, man! I HAD to rock out!

11) Do you have any strange phobias?

Sociophobia now. I used to have a HUGE phobia of thunderstorms because of tornados. As in I thought that I'd die every time there was a thunderstorm, so I ended up in the basement in a neverending panic attack. It sucked balls, man, and took forever to get rid of on my own.

12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?

   Quite a few in boredom. Straws (then immediately discard)....

13) What's your religion?

Eclectic Pagan. Not really practicing at the moment, so I could be considered agnostic too.

14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?

Trying to get to school. Or running around like an idiot in a thunderstorm catching frogs and salamanders. Take your pick.

15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?


16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?

Toss up. If there was a way to combine VNV Nation with, A Perfect Circle, Covenant, and Combichrist, that would be epic - except REALLY odd sounding because of the huge cross-genre thing. O.o

17) What was the last lie you told?

My housemates thought I was getting trained on a sequencer. I was at a fetish party. Go figure?

18) Do you believe in karma?

 The law of threes, baby. I've paid back for a lot of karma in my day. What I wish would happen? A book that would let you see what in hell you're actually paying for - 'cause then I might actually learn something. Unfortunately, that's just a little too easy.

19) What does your blog title mean?

 Sublimation - the act of matter undergoing huge energy increases (thermal) to go straight from a solid state to a gaseous (or into plasma). AKA - the act of a HUGE change.

20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?

Weakness - the inability to shed apathy and care about what needs to be done in order to actually live.

Strength - my absolute lack of personal judgment and drama tolerance. I flit between so many groups of people without being able to really hate anyone unless they do something outright malicious, so I end up talking to (and seeing the best of) most anyone.

21) Who is your celebrity crush?

Male or female? Female - Angeline Jolie, Anne Hathaway, Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman, Kelli Williams or Kathrine Heigel (although I hate her personality, I just shallowly want to get in her pants and then leave, kthxbye). Male - Matthew Mcconaughey, Eric Winter, or Tim Roth

22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

  A-yup, when I was a kid and shameless.

23) How do you vent your anger?

 I don't really get angry anymore. I usually just get depressed.... but anger? I used to work it out lifting weights or throwing heavy implements (track and field - hammer or discus).

24) Do you have a collection of anything?

 Music, anything Peanuts/Snoopy related, dragons, books

25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?

  Neither, really. I prefer talking face to face or not at all.

26) Are you happy with the person you've become?

  Not really. I wish I could pull a 180 in some areas in very little time, but it's going to be a slow process. I really don't like what I do to myself. At least it's better than what I did to people (past tense).

27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?

Hate - metal on my teeth. *shudder*

Love - the wind through conifers and the babble of a stream

28) What's your biggest "what if"?

 What if, for once, I wasn't afraid or apathetic or whatever and actually worked hard towards a goal and saw it through, fail or succeed? Could I actually succeed or at least fail without having guilt on my conscience and beating myself up for it endlessly?

29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?

Ghosts - hell yea. I have personal experiences to fall back on that one. Aliens - I believe we've proven that one. There's proof of former bacterial life on Mars preserved in the ice caps from before it became the wasteland it is today. You didn't say it had to be multicellular or intelligent, did you.

30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.

 Right arm - stack of pillows. Left - the book from earlier (Every Which Way But Dead - Kim Harrison) and my blanket.

31) Smell the air. What do you smell?

Laundry that's on my floor and needs to get cleaned up this morning. When I get up.

32) What's the worst place you have ever been to?

A dead lake in an industrial wasteland with PCB pollution feeding into a huge (and once very much alive) river. Silver lake, feeding into the Housatonic River

33) Choose East Coast or West Coast?

  East Coast. It's where I've lived my entire life.

34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?

   Hm.That's one hell of a good question. I go for deep and smexah voices when it comes to 'attractive' in singers, more than looks. So, Peter Heppner's voice is uber smexah. Looks department? I'd go for Daren Hayes from Savage Garden. Yum. =)

35) To you, what is the meaning of life?

  The meaning of life is to protect and nurture everything beautiful and innocent. To me, that's worth dying for because I'm long out of either of those categories.

 36) Define Art.

Art is the primal expression of any form of head space, thought or concept.

37) Do you believe in luck?

   Yup, and it believes in me, too. Usually on the 'bad' spectrum.

38) What's the weather like right now?

  Snow! (Finally)

39) What time is it?

  1:27pm. Man, I need to get to work on something productive really soon. Like doing everything my housemates were yelling at me to do yesterday. *sigh*

40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?

   Yup, and yup. It started with my temps, and some idiot didn't stop at the stop sign when I did. Rear-ended mom's Jeep - that went over well. Other than that, I've gone into a ditch or two on ice. Nothing more spectacular than that, thank heavens and knock on wood.

41) What was the last book you read?

   Mastiff - Tamora Pierce

42) Do you like the smell of gasoline?

 Not really...

43) Do you have any nicknames?

Dani, D, Dee Dee bug, Certari, Lyra, The Scarlet Ninja, Helen, Olga, Sara [Long stories on some of them....]

44) What was the last movie you saw?


45) What's the worst injury you've ever had?

Worst lasting injury - broken ankle. Pole vaulting pits have several sections that tie together, with a common cover over the top. I landed on my feet in the pit, my foot rolled down the common cover and into sections that were separating. Athletic trainers said it was a sprain so I played basketball on it, went to throwing camp, and ran cross country up and down mountains. A month and a half later, mom let me get it checked out where we found it was broken. Set wrong, needs surgery, etc.

Worst acute injury - Been hit in the head with a discus and set my own nose. It sucks.

46) Have you ever caught a butterfly?

 Both on the 'oh, look, a butterfly!' and the scientific levels. Not for a kill jar - I refuse. We caught monarch butterflies to tag wings for their migrations - and earned my dad the nickname 'butterfly hog'.

47) Do you have any obsessions right now?

Herpetology, dragons, Sci/fi, MUSIC!!!!

48) What's your sexual orientation?

Bisexual, leaning to the ladies currently. No this doesn't mean I'm les and tricking myself - I happen to like dick too. I just.... I get along better with women romantically. Guys, I'm sorry, but you've had a few asshats ruin me for you for a bit.

49) Ever had a rumor spread about you?

   Yes. Many. *sigh*

50) Do you believe in magic?

 Magic - the use of kinetic energy to produce results unexplainable by science: yes. Magic as in Poof! Rock = gold! Erm.... no.

51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?

Not usually, but there are a few that I won't forgive easily. I guess it depends on the level of 'wrong'. Now those that do wrong to the people that matter to me? I get really pissed off pretty quick and don't let it go easily.

52) What is your astrological sign?


53) Do you save money or spend it?

 Depends if I'm on my ADD meds. On - save. Off - spend like an addict. It also depends on my car's status....

54) What's the last thing you purchased?

  ASB membership

55) Love or lust?

   Both. One without the other is.... well.... boring?

56) In a relationship?

  Nope, haven't in a very long while. I'm starting to think I'm incapable of being so.

57) How many relationships have you had?

  Formal? None. Informal? One or two. basically either 'good friends with benefits' or just 'possible fucktoy' that didn't pan out.

58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue?


59) Where were you yesterday?

   All over the f-ing place? School meetings, etc.

60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

   I should mention that I'm not a fan of pink. There are a few chainmaille pieces finished for a con sitting nearby with pink in them.

61) Are you wearing socks right now?


62) What's your favorite animal?

  Real? - Snow Leopard  Fiction? - Dragon

63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?

   Be quiet, accepting, kind, and attempt to understand where they're coming from. Attempt to figure out who they are, and play to that level of openness.

64) Where is your best friend?

   I don't really have one 'best' friend. But... here's the list. At her apartment, working on chainmalle. In class, probably teaching. In chem lab, probably teaching. Out checking his pitfall traps. In the room next door - I hear her on the comp. At work, by now riding the horses. At work, by now in surgery.

65) Spit or swallow?(;

   A lady never tells? Actually, never been to that point.

66) What is your heritage?

   Mom's side - Irish, touch of German and Native American

Dad's side - French Canadian, Dutch, and a touch of Native American

67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?

  Wondering why in hell I wasn't asleep at that point. I think I was also working on maille.

68) What do you think is Satan's last name?

   Probably something fluffy, just to confuse us mere mortals.

69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?

   Hm. Single gal in her mid-20's. Kinkster. I'd say, yea probably. More times than you'd even like to think about.

70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?

Eh, not really. I'm kind of all over the place on the emotional spectrum - if I'm readable that day. I think I'd probably just leave myself alone in the real world. *shrug*

71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?

Former Vet Student. I'd get creative! Save the dog, go to the ER for something, and have a doctor's excuse so they can't fire me for this time. Huzzah!

72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?

A - Depends on the prognosis. If it's something that people would notice, probably. If it's something that they wouldn't notice, probably not. It's much easier on everyone involved if you keep on livin' like you're alive.

B - Go and see some more of the world. Spend some good time with the people that matter.

C - Scared shitless, although I have been expecting it for some time now.

73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love.

   Not true, although sometimes in my life I make the situation so. Really, it's not about either, is it.

74) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?

  I know, it's stupid..... Just Dance - Lady Gaga. So sue me.

75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?

   **** (Hah.. see what I did there? I'm not stupid).

76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?

I..... really have no idea.

77) How can I win your heart?

  Um.... spend a long time figuring out me. Get past the bullshit. *shrug* Other than that, I have no idea?

78) Can insanity bring on more creativity?

   Usually. I'm a case in point. On meds? Not that artistic. Off? Hell, I'm everywhere!

79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?

   To go away from home for schooling.

80) What size shoes do you where?

   9 - 9.5.

81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?

At first light lay proud foundations.

Sense the greatness that before you unfolds.

Seek no more for hollow answers.

Answers that lay within you all along.

Farewell to dawns seen through saddened eyes.

Farewell to pasts to sorrows chained.

Forget your fears.

You will have everything.

You will be strong and want no more.

Youll be adored.

You will have everything.

Forget your fears and want no more.

~VNV Nation

82) What is your favorite word?


83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.

   Beating life, electrical impulse driven into kinetic contractions.

84) What is a saying you say a lot?

  Awww.... balls!

85) What's the last song you listened to?

   Homeward - VNV Nation

86) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors?

   Crimson, black, blue (including those greenish blue and purpleish blue shades), neon orange

87) What is your current desktop picture?

   An abstract space scene.

88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?


89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?

   Who are you?

90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?

   Wake up, roll over, chuckle, and go back to sleep.

91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?


92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?

   One where I start in Doc's office, bullshitting around and then proceed to hang out with the group of friends at the village. Those were the best days I could have.

93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

   Unfortunately, there's a whole line up of experiences. Erasing just one wouldn't cut it... although getting rid of VK would be very tempting.

94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?

   *shrug* Eh, they probably have their pick of people to have sex with. Really, I wouldn't want to at that point.

95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?


96) Do you have any relatives in jail?

   A distant cousin... who I think is out on house arrest. I'm not quite sure though.

97) Have you ever thrown up in the car?

   Not that I remember - I don't get motion sick, so it'd have to be a bug or something.

98) Ever been on a plane?


99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?

   Hey, guys? You do realize that everything the "large powers" are doing at every level is complete bullshit, right? How about we all get our heads dislodged from whatever orifice it's in, and actually cooperate. 'cause you're no more 'right' then the next person.... and there are some people here that actually DESERVE that time and energy that you're pissing away and they need help, like, a week ago. Mk?

100) Give me your top 5 favorite blogs on blogspot.

Curiosity Saved This Kitty
Owned, Collared, Loved
Male Protection
The training of my lovely slut.
Demon Candy.
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