There was the normal crowd, expanded by about fifteen bagillion. In my book, it was going to be a fantastically fun time! The main game in the living room started (Cranium), while E and Ana decided to challenge me to a game of pool. Me, I suck balls at pool - I can do all the physics easily in my head but getting the balls to actually GO there is another issue. I ended up thumped by Ana in probably the worst played game of pool in the century. Eh, no worries, there was fun all around. E had the winner and there was quite a group joining in for the conversation, so I was enjoying myself and learning new (and semi-new) faces when, all of the sudden, I notice Miss Sharky on the other side of the glass door. I make a face in that general direction - and the whole room was mooned. *snicker..... snicker..... SNORT!* Being the kinky bastard I am, double thumbs up and a shit eating grin was what she earned. The looks from everyone else were mighty entertaining.
Not much later, we started digging around for another game to play because pool was... well... getting meh. Someone mentioned a Scrabble game, so Silver brings out the board. Miss Sharky takes a place, Ana another, and another slave at the final. Me, I just sit back to watch. I'm terrible with vocabulary and spelling, although I love reading and books. Whelp, Sharky ends up called away for some reason or another... and I end up with her tiles. Which suck - she drew the X and the Z in the first draw! GAH! Then they all decide it's going to be a mix up game - we're playing Kinky Scrabble! Yup, you heard right! All words had to be kink related as voted by the rest of the players, except the incidental words that pop up when you connect two rows side by side (although they still had to be real words). Loverly - my vocabulary got to drop even further! O.o Although I did not win by any stretch of the imagination (and don't mention the word 'quiver' around Ana - she'll rip your head off), it was a fun time and interesting to see what everyone else came up with. I ended up the game with no vowels and a bit of a headache. Eh, no big deal. So, Red and his new ladyfriend called me over to move my car, because they were in the process of getting ready to leave. Ok... run outside, move my car... then come back in for another game of something before heading home.
I put my huge ass-kicking boots on (although about halfway, and not zipped, but they're walkable) and start down the brick stairs to the driveway. It's chilly, wet, and those stairs are narrow.
Somehow, a few steps in, I trip over my boot. All I know is my weight went up and over my foot so it pointed under me and I went down in an ungraceful heap - one knee leading, the other somewhere not helpful (and honestly, I have no idea where), my torso still upright (yea, no cracking the head, which was a miracle all it's own) and the boot thrown somewhere else. I sat at the bottom of the stairs for a few seconds, remembering what that feeling was - aw shit, I just did something to the ankle on the not-good end 'cause it's hurting like my other one does when I roll it bad. Oh, well, time to go move my car then get it on ice... and take a look and a poke to see if I broke anything. I can get up and walk on it - but it's tough and I hobble a few steps before the pain goes away enough to stop whimpering. I move my car out of the drive and around to the street. Instead of attempting to put on my boot again, which I bet probably won't fit by this time, I reach back for a croc that I know I have in the back. I reach down to put on the croc and it's a tight fit... yea, I did something. That's when I felt it - a huge hump on the top of my foot and it's getting bigger. The funny thing is, there's no real pain... it's like someone stuck a water balloon on the top of my foot and sewed me in. Ah, shit. Time to get inside. Hell, maybe someone will help drag me up the inside stairs.
I work my way across the lawn (and almost slip on my ass a few times, grawr) before making it to the stairs. I climb on all fours (three at that point) up the brick and reach up to the door to open and find Red and his lady there. Relief! People! I let them know that the car is moved, and they notice something's not right - like the fact I'm on my knees on the stairs. Somehow I mention I fell, they noticed my foot, and it was a rush to get me upstairs, stable, and get some medical help (in the form of Ana - huzzah nursing people!). Five minutes later, my foot was the size of a half a tennis ball stuck on top, but I couldn't feel a damn thing except when people touched my toes (which I could still move). They convinced me to go to the ER based on the color and size it was getting to... and thankfully Ana and E are close enough to where I live and agree to get me in.
After inventing hall jousting with both the beds and the wheelchair (not in practice, just mentally and mentioned it to the orderlies), a lot less time than normal in the ER, an X ray and crutches later, we found out that I'm pretty dammed lucky. Nope, I didn't break anything, I just tore up pretty much everything I landed on. Huzzah? Ana and E helped get me home in one piece (which was a challenge, I might add, when I almost face-planted on the crutches several times) and a few more kinksters got my car home. Might I mention, for a group of people that enjoy beating the shit out of each other, kinksters are also some of the most kind, caring people that only want the best for you at the end of the day? I love y'all. Seriously.
Foot, one day later.
Foot, after four days and a LOT of compression
So, moral of the (really long and convoluted) story? Don't descent the stairs in a manner not recommended for humans. You might end up the center of attention, but it'll be a bitch to move around a college campus on crutches. No matter what your foot believes, just say no! XD
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