Slave Chains, Birthday Parties, and Hobble skirts - Oh my!

With a name like that, I'd better come up with something REALLY interesting to write about, huh.

Still here?

Well then. Hate to disappoint you, but all of these things have nothing to do with each other. My, that would make one hell of a fun story though, wouldn't it? Heh!

Anyway... Point one - Slave Chains!

A local group puts on a Mardi Gras Party every year - or so I hear. They've asked me to come up with a donation for a raffle, since I'm the local chainmaille nut and can maille something random in my sleep. Ok, then, but there's another mailler that's working her way up the jewelry market faster than I can blink - and I know she's looking at making something fabulous. Damn these pupils overcoming their masters! *fist wave* So, I'm open to opinions.... my first thought when I saw the outcome of the picture below was that - in Titanium - it would make bitchin' slave chain.

Jens Pind in micro

Yes, I intend to make it the same size. Yes, that is a real life penny in the center. Hence me wanting to make it from Titanium. Now, what I have envisioned is this: two anklets (lockable?), with a chain connector that can act as a hobble (only so long for the stride).

Part Dos - Birthday Parties!

At the game night I mentioned earlier (the one where I tried my damnedest to break my foot...), Ana had this wonderfully complex idea. You see, her 21st B-day is coming up [HUZZAH!!!!!!], and she wants a kinky bash along with the usual festivities. My b-day's not too far behind (25, whut?!?), and I'll be in a conference several states away, so why not a double?  I sat there coming up with ways to make this happen - which included a usual stomping ground for a local group. As long as we had the space and the people, we'd be ok, right? Yea, we ended up without the space. *headdesk*
All of the sudden, the complex part reminded me how much of a mental case I can be for taking on such things with enthusiasm. I ended up occupado for a few days with grading papers for my students (that I'm still not done with... heh.) and Ana heard of this and was frantic, which is understandable. The prospective community responded with gusto (I thank EVERYONE who offered up places/homes - again, I'm amazed at how awesome you people are =3), but that left us with a bit of a problem....

The only places that could handle the number of people that would show up are rather sizable rooms/locations. We have one that fits the bill (again - I LOVE Spider and Cross for mentioning their place! *MUAH!*), but the drama llama had to rear it's head because some people that we wouldn't mind inviting are on the THOU SHALT NOT list due to past personal issues. This wouldn't bother me too much (morality, what?) if she hadn't offered up HER place to host as well - which would have the same conditions.

*ball-punts the drama llama*

If in this sort of situation, is it acceptable to have a public lunch the day of, then a private kink party later? I don't want anyone to think we're choosing sides - 'cause I for one am NOT. I didn't even know there was a problem with these groups until really recently. I know that I just want to save myself from the crossfire (and Ana if I can help it) if there is any. So.... yea. Trouble? Sure? Thank you, Sir, may I have another?

Part Trox - Hobble Skirts

A few months ago (I'm not really sure when...) I noticed Pet had a deviantart account on his links. Thinking it was HIS, I wandered on over. Nope, it's not his, but a fantastic artist named Lord Dragon Master. He/She/It? Meh... They are a fantastic comic artist that draws a manga that I'll be reviewing shortly because... well... it's that awesome. BUT - while I'm waiting for LDM to hand me over a linkable button with a bit of his art on it for you to click on and wander over that way, he drew up a character in a costume that I absolutely LOVE (psssst - click me for the link). As in, I want it. I lust for it. And I want it to wear for the birthday party, dammit.

The best part is, I have a pair of black pants that are starting to wear really bad in the crotch region (yea, I have gams). I noticed they have a hole or two and I can't wear them as pants anymore. Lightbulb - on! Now I need to find someone with a sewing machine............... Oh, and I need to find a decently priced  steel boned corset. 'cause I also am 5'6", 230 lbs, and don't look like this anymore -

High School Self-Portrait. 165 lbs, Senior Year

 A play party, this past year - current body shape.
Also, the pants that will be altered.

 Self Portrait, same dress as HS.
Junior year undergrad - and tightlacing.
225 lbs?

So, yea.... it'll be interesting. BUT I WILL DO IT! (I hope?)


Panda's property said...

Omg, slave chain! That sounds *amazing*! Even if you don't make one for the Mardi Gras event, it could be a pretty good idea for a certain someone's *hinthint-me!* birthday in June...just sayin' ^_^

Sorry about all the birthday party drama...I hope you guys can find a way to work that all out!

Love that costume, too! Unfortunately, I have the sewing machine, but not the skill to make anything like *that*...but I know there are some people in the area that sew! I'm sure you can ask around and see what happens! As for corsets, the most affordable I've ever found was on Timeless Trends--that's where I got mine, for only about $100...I don't think you'll find them any cheaper than that, unfortunately >_<

CertariMuse said...

@Bre - I actually CAN sew well enough to make the bottom - especially with pants that are already my size. It's a few cuts and a few hems... then tadaa! Presto - insta-hobble skirt. As for the corset, yea, I found out the same thing. I'm hoping I can afford one, but it's going to be a stretch. I'm crossing fingers and counting numbers as I type. =)

Panda's property said...

Do you have a sewing machine to use? You can borrow mine, if you need to! ^_^

CertariMuse said...

Yea, that's what I'm missing. I'd need an hour or two in front of someone's machine and I'd be set. =) Hell, I'll hem anything you need fixed - or if you have an old pair of pants you'd like made into a (regular or hobble) skirt, I can show you how to do it. It's really pretty easy.

Panda's property said...

Cool, that sounds awesome ^_^

Just let me know when you want it--my machine's in Hurricane, but I can easily get it for you on pretty short notice--and I have a ton of different color threads and all sorts of good stuff for you, if you need it ^_^

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